Healthy Benefits of Oleocanthal: A Hidden Treasure in Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) is not only a fundamental component of the Mediterranean diet for its unparalleled flavor but also for the extraordinary health benefits it offers. One of its most notable components is oleocanthal, a molecule with anti-inflammatory properties that has gained a prominent position in scientific research. In this article, we explore the virtues of oleocanthal and how this "liquid treasure" can positively impact our health.

Introduction to Oleocanthal: The Power Behind the Sting

Oleocanthal is a phenolic compound that gives EVOO its characteristic spicy sensation in the throat. Discovered in 2005 by a research team led by Dr. Beauchamp, oleocanthal has proven to be a powerful natural anti-inflammatory, similar in action to ibuprofen but without the side effects associated with synthetic drugs.

Identification and Characteristics

To enjoy the benefits of oleocanthal, it is crucial to choose the highest quality EVOO. Oils extracted from green or semi-ripe olives are richer in this compound. Varieties such as picual are particularly high in oleocanthal, as well as other antioxidants and oleic acid.

Oleocanthal and Health: A Natural Anti-Inflammatory

Research has shown that oleocanthal has the ability to inhibit COX enzymes, the same that nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) like ibuprofen and aspirin aim to block. This makes oleocanthal a natural alternative for preventing and treating common and even some chronic diseases.

Recent Research and Discoveries

Recent studies have shown that oleocanthal may be particularly effective against cancer cells, destroying them in about 20 minutes without harming healthy cells. Additionally, its potential to combat cardiovascular and neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's, is being extensively studied.

It has been estimated that a 40 ml shot of EVOO rich in oleocanthal can be equivalent to a 250 mg dose of ibuprofen. This comparison highlights the potency of oleocanthal and its importance as a dietary supplement.

Scientific Momentum and Outreach

The establishment of the Andalusian Society of Oleocanthal and the conduct of seminars aimed at health professionals underscore the medical significance of this compound. These initiatives promote the integration of EVOO into medical practices and disease prevention.


Oleocanthal is a molecule that has opened new doors in the field of health and nutrition. Its presence in top-quality EVOO not only enriches our cuisine but also offers a range of anti-inflammatory and preventive benefits. The next time you enjoy extra virgin olive oil, remember that you're not only pleasing your taste buds but also investing in your well-being.


For those interested in delving deeper into the subject, it is recommended to consult studies published in scientific journals such as Nature and to follow updates from institutions like the Andalusian Society of Oleocanthal, which are at the forefront of research on this promising compound.