Destiny Farms

Información y detalles


Destiny Farms
Po Box 448 . 6237 Boyanup (Western Australia)


Olive Oil making for the Ioppolo family has been a tradition that dates back to the early 1900’s in a small village in Sicily Italy. It was not until Vincenzo Sinagra migrated from Sicily in 1923 to Western Australia, that he brought with him the secret of Italy’s rich and aromatic oil. In 1946 he purchased 279 acres of land in Wanneroo, which is now named after him “Sinagra”. There he built a home for his wife and family, surrounded by hundreds of olive trees and grape vines that he planted. Approximately 10 years later he purchased a traditional style olive press from Italy so that he could taste the first olive oil from his land. Daughter Rosie continued the family tradition in 1960 when she married Carmelo Ioppolo and purchased a portion of the family holdings. There they planted more olive trees and vines, built a home and raised their children.


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Denominacion Destiny Farms
Direccion Po Box 448
Localidad Boyanup
Provincia Western Australia
Pais Australia
Codigo Postal 6237
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